Prayer and Praise reflections
Who is the God you pray to? Where is the God you to pray to? We explored these very questions at the September Prayer and Praise Gathering.
Using the book, Integral Christianity by Paul R Smith, we discussed what is called the Three Faces of God to help us answer these two questions. These three faces are: the infinite, the intimate and the inner faces of God. Let us now review each one.
The infinite God is a creator. He inhabits and continues to evolve the galaxies of the vast cosmos. He is the ground of Being. He is the ground of creative energy. He is beyond description and comprehension. God is both in the universe and the universe is in God. We as incarnated divine beings are God’s verbs, the voice, the hands, the heart and the feet of God’s creative process in the world today.
The intimate God is the God who breaks bread and drinks wine with us. Jesus addressed God as Abba, a caring parent or daddy. Jesus went off in the night to talk to God. This is the God we have a conversation with. Prayer is talking to God as one being relates to another. This is the God who who wants to have a relationship with us. This is the God who loves us.
The inner God is embracing your inner divinity. Jesus embraced his inner divinity. Jesus realized that deep within him was the image of God. Jesus not only said that he was the light of the world but that we are the light of the world. Jesus said if you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me – the way we treat others is the way we treat him. Paul said, I live yet not I but Christ. The Kingdom of God is the highest level of conscious, recognizing no separation between God and humans. We are all divine children of God. We are all connected.
Of course, God as the infinite face describes is beyond description and comprehension. However, we as humans should feel free to explore God and ask Him to show us who He is and where He is? This answer will be different for all and that is ok. Just start with where you are today and move forward.
The Prayer and Praise Gathering meets monthly. We have two purposes. One, we meet to discuss a topic related to prayer and share with each other our thoughts on it. Two, we listen to each other and pray for each other. All are welcome. The next gathering will be October 22, 7 p.m. in the church lounge. The topic will be – What is your state of prayer? Please feel free to contact Rich Lewis at