Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen
and absorb the silence.
— Pythagoras
So simple yet often so difficult.
Here are some thoughts on silence and how we can practice this art.
Yes, do speak. You might ask. You might praise, You might lament. You might complain. You might argue. But then quiet yourself and sit in silence. Prayer is a conversation. It is now time to listen. What will you hear?
Instead of worrying about or thinking about what you are going to say, are you actually listening to the person doing the speaking? Too often we are thinking of our next words and miss the beauty of the words and thoughts just spoken to us.
When we are sitting with children it is best to just listen. They have a lot to tell us. We can learn a lot from them. They can make us laugh. They can make us cry. They can surprise us with their wonderful insight. They simply want our love. They need our love. Let’s give our love to them.
They have experience. They have wisdom. Be wise and listen to what they tell us. We can use this information. Remember it. Tuck it away. You never know when you will need it.
Take a walk. Stop thinking. Watch. Listen. Smell. Touch. Taste. Discover the beauty of the world around you. Have you really ever tried this? You might be pleasantly surprised. You might be amazed.
Learn silence.
Practice silence.
Absorb silence.