And the angel also said, “you are now pregnant and will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael (which means ‘God hears’), for the LORD has heard your cry of distress.
– Genesis 16: 11
God hears you. God listens to you. God loves you.
Sometimes we just need to cry out to our God. I know I do.
Here are some cries that I have lifted up to Him.
Help me.
I do not know what to do.
Help my son.
Help my daughter.
Heal my friend.
I am scared.
I am worried.
I can’t sleep.
Please relax me.
How do I fix this.
What should I do?
Why is this happening to me?
Our God listens. Talk to Him. Cry out to Him.
Lord, let me come to you when my heart aches and I just do not know what to do. Let me know you are listening. Surround me with Your love. Help me move forward knowing I am enclosed in Your love. Let me trust that You will get me through this however long it may take. Hold my hand. Move forward with me. Help me move on. Amen.