I want to share my thoughts on how I experience God. That is what I am writing about in this blog, Experience God.
A few months ago, i read a book by Paul R Smith titled, Integral Christianity. One of the chapters discussed a neat way of thinking about God. It talked about God as having three faces – inner, intimate and infinite. My post from October 3, 2013 discusses this in more detail. In fact, this was my first post.
The inner face is the God within each of us. We are all divine beings.
The intimate face is the God we have a personal relationship with. This is the God we talk to and pray to. He is our daddy.
The infinite God is the God who is the creator of the universe. He is in the universe and the universe is in God. He is always creating.
I experience God in many settings:
Reading the Bible
Community service
Coffee houses
As I experience God in each one of these settings and something noteworthy comes to mind, I will most likely share this experience.
I simply want to be open each day to experiencing God. I want to allow God to bring life to me. This does not mean I am lazy. I still set goals and have a vision for my life. I set these goals and visions before God and then allow Him to bring me the life He wants to. I view God as my partner in life.
Thanks for reading.
How do you experience God?
I experience God in many ways too. When someone does something nice for me. When I have more patience than I expected to I realize that is God helping me. Also at church, when I am with friends and family, when I am walking and when I am with my cats.
Patience is a good one. When people do nice things for you certainly makes sense. Somehow I knew you would mention cats. Thanks for sharing.