I love sitting in the back row at church. It is the best seat in the house or should I say church. I like to watch. I like to listen.
The kids on the other side are dancing and jumping to the music. They are having a blast. They are full of smiles.
A few kids are sitting in the narthex playing their handheld electronic games.
People are talking and sharing thoughts. Some are holding hands. Some have their arms around each other.
I watch a few people walk out and walk back in.
A few people are singing with their arms raised. They are singing to their God.
I see people clapping to the beat of the music. They are enjoying the music.
A few people have their heads bowed. They are praying to their God.
People are laughing and enjoying themself. The spirit is moving them.
I see people crying. They are asking their God to help them.
People are sharing joys and concerns during the prayer portion. I see everyone compassionately listening to one another.
Love is in the air. Love for God. Love for each other. Love for life.
I love the back row.
I think I will continue to sit in the back row.