The Breath of God


ā€œ… What is God?
He is the breath inside the breath.ā€

God is life.

God is the life within me waiting to be expressed.

He is waiting to be expressed in both my inner and outer world.

How do I allow God to express Himself?

I must recognize God’s breath within me.

I must rest in God.

My ego must be set aside.

How will I know I am doing this?

I will see the fruit of the spirit in both my inner and outer world.

Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control will flourish.

This will be a daily battle of setting aside my ego and resting in God.

Daily I will need to pray to God that I may rest in His loving arms.

Daily I will ask God to help me sense His breath within me.

Freeing Him to express Himself in both my inner and outer world.

Breathe God.


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