Be silent…….Listen.


The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.

I thought it would be fun if I considered how I can apply this to my life.

Here is my short list.

Sit, play and listen to my kids.

Ask my spouse how her day was and be quiet.

Turn off the radio and iTunes podcasts I listen to while driving to work.

Take a walk with no iPhone.

Recite one verse or quote when I pray and then simply sit in silence with God.

When I am with friends let them do all the talking.

When greeting a person I am meeting for the first time ask a question and then be quiet.

Put away the iPad when watching a movie at home.

Listen to music doing nothing else and see where it takes me.

Read a poem or poetry and just sit with it.

I know I need to stop thinking about what I need to do. I know I need to stop checking my email, Facebook or Twitter accounts. I need to just be more present. I need to be more present at home, work, church, during prayer, with friends, with strangers.

Perhaps I will hear something that will change me. Perhaps I will hear something that will change my perspective. Perhaps I will hear something that will enlighten me and move me in a whole new direction in life.

I will never know unless I am simply quiet. And while I am quiet just listen.

Be silent.


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