Prayer is asking questions.
What if we asked God – what should I do today.
We can do this all day – morning, afternoon, evening, before we retire for the night.
Instead of asking God for what we want, try asking Him what does He want.
We can ask:
What do You want me to accomplish at work today?
What do You want me to do for or with my spouse, significant other, kids, friends today?
Who do You want me to help today?
What new things do you want me to try today?
These are just suggestions.
You get the point.
Recently, I have been praying in this manner.
I ask.
I wait.
When I get an answer, I act.
What do you think?
What a great idea! I know we ought to ask God what _God_ wants. Instead of being so focused on myself, I need to turn my focus outwards. And upwards.