What is the Crucifixion?

What is the crucifixion? What does it mean to me? How does it impact me?

What part of me needs to die?

There are times when I am:

Quick tempered

I can go on and on.

All of these parts of me need to die. They need to die each day.

They die each day when I pray. I tell God that I am sorry. I ask God to forgive me. Of course God loves me and has forgiven me even before I speak to Him.

Just as God has forgiven me, I need to forgive others.

The crucifixion is my reminder that God forgives me. The crucifixion  is my reminder that God loves me.

I am not saying it is easy but I know my life would be so much better if I simply loved more and forgave more.

As I awake each day, I need to ask God to help me love – love God, love others, love myself.

As I awake each day, I need to ask God to help me forgive others – forgive others for what they have done, forgive others for what they will do to me. I also need to ask others to forgive me – forgive me for what I have done to them, forgive them for what I will do to them.

What is the crucifixion? It is a God who forgives me. It is a God who loves me. It is a God who will not force it upon me but is asking me to join Him in also forgiving and loving all of His children.


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Go further:

The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe  by Richard Rohr

Did God Kill Jesus?: Searching for Love in History’s Most Famous Execution  by Tony Jones

Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters  by N. T. Wright

The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See  by Richard Rohr


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Now more than ever we need to quiet our racing and anxious minds.

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This introductory retreat will give you the tools to ground your spiritual life in the wisdom of trees and rivers, to explore the universe which is within you, and to live with compassion and integrity in a world which is far too often dark and unhealthy.

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The following 3 books by Christine Valters Paintner are now $.99 in kindle.

The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within

The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom

Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements

Illuminating the Way: Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and Mystics by Christine Valters Paintner (now $2.99 in kindle)


Holy Silence  by J. Brent Bill is now $1.99 in kindle.

Centering Prayer as a Way of Life  by Contemplative Outreach, Pamela Begeman, Mary Anne Best, Julie Saad: In this, the third offering of this year’s trilogy on Centering Prayer, we will explore how the practice of Centering Prayer evolves into a surrendered life of inner peace and equanimity despite the busy and often tumultuous circumstances of daily life in the 21st century. As the inner room begins to expand its walls beyond the twice-daily practice of Centering Prayer, the Spirit takes over our life more and more, and we begin to accept ourselves just as we are, God as God is, and all reality as it is. From this disposition of true humility, enlarged under the influence of God’s grace, we live in the Kingdom of God here and now, which is a state of consciousness ever-attentive to the presence of God in the midst of ordinary life.

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