Open the Door and Come In

The beloved says from the other side of the door, “Open the door and come in, so we can experience just how one we might become.”
James Finley

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Centering prayer is the door I open to come in and experience Oneness with God. Upon entry, I let go of my excess baggage. I leave it at the front door.

I am invited to sit in God’s living room. God has a special chair just for me. It is here that I sit and rest. It is here that I am loved. It is here that I am healed.

This is our special time together. It is God and I sitting together. No words need to be said. We are two friends who need each other. I need God’s love and healing. God needs my action in the world during my non centering times of the day.

Centering prayer will continue to be the door I open to experience Oneness with God. I always feel welcome in God’s house.

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