Who is your true self?
I suppose some of us know who this is.
Some of us are still searching.
Others aren’t even thinking about this.
For me, my true self is the God within waiting to be expressed.
He is best expressed when I push aside the small me.
This small me is expressed when I feel angry, jealous, insecure, afraid.
This small me is expressed when I am unwilling to listen to or accept someone who I view as different.
My true self is calm, confident, content, unafraid.
My true self quietly listens with no judgment.
My true self accepts love and speaks love.
My true self works best when I remind myself that I am connected to the Divine.
My true self is more than connected to the Divine.
My true self is the Divine within.
My true self knows that I am loved by the Divine and that is all that really matters.
Everyday my true self yearns for expression.
Go Further:
The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See by Richard Rohr
Healing the Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots by Amos Smith
The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth by Christopher Heuertz (Listen to this book for Free when you try Audible with a 30-day free trial.)
Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life by Phileena Heuertz
Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition by Thomas Keating
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A Journey of Discernment with the teachings of Mary Margaret Funk and other contemplative voices by Contemplative Outreach, Mary Margaret Funk: This e-course explores the contemplative approach to discerning the small and large decisions in life, which comes from cultivating a life practice of unceasing prayer (whatever types of prayer that may encompass for you). Discernment means sorting our thoughts and following the impulse of grace given by the Holy Spirit. As Sr. Meg writes, “Since we are not our thoughts, we can observe them rising and follow the ones that are from God.” This is a way of coming more awake and discovering the spark of divinity burning in our hearts.
Poetry and Prayer from the Celtic Tradition by Carl McColman: The traditional Celtic people of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales wove prayers, blessings, poems, and songs into every aspect of their daily lives — using the power of language to blend a rich spirituality of presence and wisdom into the very fabric of their being. Many of these poetic invocations and charming poems were collected by folklorist Alexander Carmichael over 100 years ago and preserved in the book Carmina Gadelica — the “Charms of the Gaels.”
Celtic Spirituality At the Edge of Mystery by Carl McColman: Consider it a pilgrimage into one of the best examples of everyday spirituality. Celtic wisdom and poetry encourages us to recognize the holy all around us, honors and protects the sacred earth, gives inspiration to free our creative voice, and presents a holistic path that links the quest for holiness with an embodied sense of Divine love.
Don’t know, you know. True self? who cares? Life is better filled with distractions and forgetting who we really are.
Sometimes I feel the same way:)
Love this! So true !
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by.
No prob. I love experiencing God!!