What do you with the questions you are asked by others? Are these questions nudges by God for you to take a specific action?
Let me share two questions that I was asked that I believe were God’s nudges for me to take further action upon
Before I share my first question, let me provide some background information. In early 2014 I began to read Healing The Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots by Amos Smith. While I read Amos’ book, I began to email Amos questions about his book. What is the Jesus Paradox? Why should I care? Am I also a divine being? What is this centering prayer? We continued to dialogue.
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Question One
During May of 2014, Amos Smith asked me to co author a book with him. Amos suggested that I write a book about what the Jesus Paradox means to me. Within one week, I agreed.
Since June 2014, I take time once a week to write my journey. My book chapters include topics related to: prayer, centering prayer, the fruits of centering prayer, non-dual thinking, paradox, inner divinity, the humanity of Jesus, the historical Jesus.
The point I want to make is that my response to this question sent me on an incredible journey into the Jesus Paradox. I now wanted to learn more about this Jesus who was at once both human and God.
If I had not been asked this question, I am not certain I would ever have begun this amazing journey which included a daily centering prayer practice, exploration of other contemplative practices, and a study of both the historical Jesus and the Jesus of my faith.
Question Two
Let’s move onto the second question that I was asked. In June of 2015, a friend at church asked me to teach an introduction to contemplative prayer class at the adult forum at her church. She had recently finished seminary and was now Director of Education at this church. She knew I was a centering prayer practitioner. Initially I was nervous but still agreed to take her up on this offer. Over about one week, I put together a one hour session.
In August of 2015, I taught this class. Twelve people attended and it went well. After this class, I thought to myself, why not take this on the road so to speak. I created an email and begin to contact churches within a 30 mile vicinity. I offered to teach a 45-60 minute introduction to centering prayer/contemplative prayer session at one of their adult forum settings. To my surprise, a few churches responded. Since August of 2015, I have taught at five more churches.
Recently, I also began to contact local colleges and universities and hope to meet with young adults. There seems to be much interest in contemplative prayer because soon I will meet with the campus minister at a local university to discuss how I can share contemplative prayer on campus for students. I believe that God was and continues to nudge me to share silent prayer with the community.
Next Steps
We are constantly asked questions. I do not suggest that we say YES to all these questions. However, I suggest that we slow down, pray and discern which questions are God’s nudges to take further action upon. God asked me two vital questions: Do you want to write a book and do you want to teach a contemplative prayer class?
God wanted me to share the Jesus Paradox and centering prayer with others. I pray that I continue to be open to God’s future questions. I pray that you too are open to questions God asks you. And more importantly, I pray that you take action upon them.
Go Further
Healing the Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots by Amos Smith
Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life
Sacred Compass: The Way of Spiritual Discernment by J Brent Bill
The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth by Christopher Heuertz
One on One Coaching with Rich
Does this sound like you?
“I am bored with my life?”
“I am not doing the things that I want to do in all areas of my life:”
-career, personal, family, community.
I feel unfulfilled, like I am just going through the motions everyday.
I have dreams and goals, but I am afraid to show up and take action on them.
I don’t want years to pass and be disappointed when I look back on my life.
Integrating Centering Prayer practice with your everyday life addresses all of these thoughts.
Do you want to obtain the freedom to become your true self, the person I’m created to be?
How do I create a long lasting and sustainable centering prayer practice?
I am currently taking on clients for Centering Prayer One on One Coaching sessions.
I will work with you to setup a program designed to meet your specific needs.
Centering Prayer as a Way of Life by Contemplative Outreach, Pamela Begeman, Mary Anne Best, Julie Saad: In this, the third offering of this year’s trilogy on Centering Prayer, we will explore how the practice of Centering Prayer evolves into a surrendered life of inner peace and equanimity despite the busy and often tumultuous circumstances of daily life in the 21st century. As the inner room begins to expand its walls beyond the twice-daily practice of Centering Prayer, the Spirit takes over our life more and more, and we begin to accept ourselves just as we are, God as God is, and all reality as it is. From this disposition of true humility, enlarged under the influence of God’s grace, we live in the Kingdom of God here and now, which is a state of consciousness ever-attentive to the presence of God in the midst of ordinary life.
Centering Prayer as Practice and Process by Contemplative Outreach, Pamela Begeman, Mary Anne Best, Julie Saad: If you are new to Centering Prayer or wishing to renew your practice, this retreat will assist you with deepening your relationship with God. We will focus on teaching and practicing the method of Centering Prayer; review its place in the Christian tradition, its conceptual background, and psychological process; and share insights into establishing Centering Prayer as a way of life.
Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go Practices for a Deeper Commitment to the Contemplative Life by Contemplative Outreach, Mary Dwyer: This retreat encourages a life of prayer and practice, both “on the chair” and in daily life. It will support you in making a deeper commitment to your relationship with God, and strengthen your ability to live the contemplative life through dedication to prayer and practice, all within the normal routines of everyday life.