Grounded: Book Review

“Where is God?” is one of the most consequential questions of our times.”

Diana Butler Bass [1]

God is in the soil. God is in the water. God is in the sky. God is in our roots. “Our roots are intertwined. We are all related to each other. We belong to each other.” God is in our home. “Home is a place where God somehow meets us – where we belong.” God is in our neighborhood. “We know God through our neighbors.”

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I recently read Diana Butler Bass’ book, “Grounded“. This book has helped me change the way I think about God. God is a beautiful, loving, powerful presence that permeates all of creation and is also the ground of all being.

This book is not only a call to find God but also a call to take better care of the earth that we all share. Because God is in the soil, the water, the sky, our homes and our neighborhoods, we must seriously consider our roles as custodians of the soil, the water, the sky, our homes, and our neighborhoods!

Where is God? God is right here! God is with us and all around us! We need to shift our thinking from a God in the sky looking down at us to a God-with-us. “The spiritual revolution is the shift from a vertical God to God-with-us.”

I would take it even a step further. God is within each one of us. We are divine beings with a little “d”. We are never apart from God. God grounds us. God is the ground of our very being.

Go Further:

Diana Butler Bass,Grounded: Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution  (Free with your Audible Trial )

Diana Butler Bass, Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening

Diana Butler Bass (Free with your Audible TrialGrateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks


[1] Diana Butler Bass, Grounded: Finding God In The World | A Spiritual Revolution (HarperOne: 2015)

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