I thoroughly enjoyed “Embracing The Body” by Tara M Owens.
Let me share some key points that I uncovered that will help me as I journey on the path to wholeness (salvation). I hope they will help you too!
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“I’m of the opinion that there isn’t anyone alive who is at home in his or her body 100 percent of the time.” How do I feel about my body? If I do not like my body, I cannot feel whole.
I need to feel good about both my inner self and my outer body before I truly can feel whole. I think many people do not feel whole. They feel empty. I also imagine that as we age and or experience illnesses it certainly is not easy to continue to feel whole.
“Salvation is the work of Christ to bring the whole of ourselves (and also our world) back into alignment with the way God intended.” God wants me to feel whole! God wants everyone to feel whole. This is salvation!
Abundant Life
“Paul tells us to offer God our bodies as living sacrifices not because our bodies are worthless, or because we are to die to them, but because in Christ we are meant to have life abundant running in and through us.” We are to bring not only our minds and hearts to God but our bodies. When we do this our whole self will experience abundant life.
“Our bodies are incredible conductors of messages, both emotional and physical.” We must listen to our bodies. They have much to teach us. Our bodies tell us when we are tired, anxious, hungry, thirsty, happy, sad, angry, bored, excited. “It’s time to listen to the wisdom of our bodies.”
“The savor of God can be tasted in a good meal, smelled in the scent of wet, forested soil on a fall day, felt in the embrace of a friend.” We need to utilize all of our senses to experience and savor God. We must engage the world with our bodies. “But here’s the rub: the less we engage with the physical world around us, the less we are present to reality.” When we are not present to reality, we are not present to God.
I will re read Tara’s book! It will continue to help me as I journey on the path to wholeness (salvation).
Go Further
Tara M Owens, Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone
Phileena Heuertz, Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life
Christine Valters Paintner, The Wisdom of the Body: A Contemplative Journey to Wholeness for Women
Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living
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