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I am excited to share with you my review of Nomad: A Spirituality for Travelling Light by Brandan Robertson. Brandan is a thought-leader, author, activist and commentator. Learn more about Brandan at his web site.
Brandan Robertson is wise beyond his years. In Nomad, Brandan shares his courageous spiritual journey of wandering. We learn that to truly experience God we need to wander. Brandan also challenges us to wonder, which for him is synonymous with worship. Let me briefly share some key points that I particularly enjoyed. I think you will too.
“My faith doesn’t end my search; it inspires it. It amps up my curiosity and whets my appetite for discovering what God is doing in and through the world each and every day.” Brandan is on a journey. He wants to know who this God is and what this God is up to in this world.
I agree! I too want to search. I must explore. I need to move out of my comfort zone. Brandan mentions that Jesus pushed his followers to move beyond their comfort zones. We serve a God that is on the move and He wants us to move with Him.
Love is powerful! Hate divides. “Love is what has the power to bring divided groups together.” We need to release our fear and scapegoating tendencies. “At the cross, Jesus revealed to us the way to deal with our fear and our impulse to scapegoat those who look, think, act, or worship differently – release it.”
We must model what Jesus did. Jesus released all of these tendencies. Jesus taught that there is a new and better way: love, forgiveness and mercy.
Common Table
“Most of us didn’t participate in small traditional practices like gathering around a common table for dinner each evening.” We have lost this. When I was young our family sat at the table each night. I now have my own family. We do sit at the table but it is not every night.
We need to get back to this. It is important. Why? It holds us together. We share. We laugh. We cry. We enjoy each other’s presence. My family has five members. At the table a sixth member joins us, God.
“On this journey of faith, having a place of belonging and a people to walk alongside us are essential.” This is vital. We need to feel loved. We need a safe place where we can express ourselves. Each one of us is at different place on our journey. We can learn from each other. We can help each other. We can grow together.
True Self
“So when God calls us to be holy, we’re being called to embrace our ‘True Selves,’ the authentic Being God originally created us to be.” God created each one of us to bear His image. God certainly created diversity. Take a look all around you. We should feel free to express who we are and what we want to do. We are not what the world tells us to be or do. We must let our true selves shine and be expressed in this world. Brandan shines his true self!
Silent Prayer
“Time and time again, we find Jesus fleeing the crowds of people who followed after him to spend time communing with God in prayer and meditation.” I complement my verbal prayer with silent prayer. My silent prayer practice is centering prayer.
Like Jesus I need this time in silence with God. Silence teaches me who I am. Silence teaches me how to live. We can have union with God. “This radical notion of union with Christ has been lost in the Western Church today.” It does not need to be lost! We need to bring it back.
“Western Christianity has forgotten the truth of the incarnation, that God put on flesh in the person of Jesus and continues to reincarnate himself in the hearts of his children.” Just as Jesus is at once God and human, we are both human and divine beings with a little “d”. God is within each one of us and patiently waits to be shared with the world.
Next Steps
Like Brandan mentions, I too want to wander and seek God, patiently, courageously and with openness. “I will continue to wander, seeking for God wherever he is to be found. Patiently. Courageously. With Openness.” I highly encourage you to read Brandan’s book. I do not think you will be disappointed.
Go Further
Nomad: A spirituality for travelling light by Brandan Robertson
Our Witness: The unheard stories of LGBT+ Christians by Brandan Robertson
True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Radical Embrace by Brandan Robertson
Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist
Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life by Phileena Heuertz
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Centering Prayer by Cynthia Bourgeault: Centering Prayer is a simple, no-frills form of meditation in the Christian tradition. Since it was first developed by Christian contemplative monks in the 1970s, it has allowed tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide to “return home,” developing an authentically Christian meditation practice which not only delivers the healing and quieting of the mind typical of all meditation paths, but also reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical and transformational wisdom.
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Themes in the Gospel of John by N. T. Wright: The course approaches the Gospel of John in a way that looks at seven key themes. These themes bind the Fourth Gospel together in a manner that allows us to see this ‘new way of living’ as possible for followers of King Jesus. In so doing, we then apply these themes to the current era in order to ask ourselves questions about how we are putting them into practice. In a way, this is the story of how to live out being the presence of God on earth through the indwelling of God’s spirit.
Prepare to be immersed in the 1st Century A.D. context of the life, work, teachings, and actions of Jesus. Check out Simply Jesus by N. T. Wright. It is based on his book Simply Jesus. Enjoy an article I wrote about one of the lectures on the Beatitudes.
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