The Spirit, dwelling in our inmost being, communicates to us at every moment the divine presence that is love.
We live busy lives. We wake up. We check our cell phones for texts. We check our laptops, cell phones and iPads for email messages. We post or read other’s Facebook comments. We tweet or read strings of posts from those we follow.
We eat our breakfast and head to work. We drop off the kids at school or camp. We are busy at work. We eat our lunch while we work at our desks. Sometimes we skip lunch. We rush from meeting to meeting.
If we are a stay at home mom or dad we take care of and play with our children.
We eat dinner. We might order in or grab a meal via the drive through. We put the kids to bed. We relax in our bed or sit on the couch. We watch our favorite television or cable show. We fall asleep.
We wake up and do the same thing again. Over and over.
We need to break this pattern. The Spirit in our inmost being desperately tries to communicate to us but we do not listen. We are too busy. God so loves us! God seems to be very patient. God will wait until we are ready. God has infinite patience.
What if we slow down? What if we begin our day with verbal prayer? What if we begin our day with silence? What if we incorporate verbal prayer and silence throughout our day? What if we end our day with verbal prayer and silence?
Perhaps we will then hear and feel the presence of Love.
Let me make a few suggestions. Ask God questions throughout the day. Ask God for His presence, power and love.
We might say:
God I love you. Fill me with your love, confidence and wisdom so I can express them into the world.
God, what is it you want me to do just today?
God, who can I help today? Who can I share my love with today?
We might also just be silent.
There are a number of ways to be silent. We might take a walk. We might paint or draw. We might sit quietly. We might look out the window. We might sit on a bench in a local park.
When we are silent, we give God a better chance to communicate to us. The truth is God always communicates to us. It is we who do not listen.
When we talk to God and also take time to be silent, we might actually hear God. We let God act in us. This inner work of God becomes available for our work as action in this world.
I encourage you to take time each day to talk to God. I also encourage you to take time to be silent.
Listen to the Divine Presence within. Let this Divine Presence within radiate its love into the world.
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