Why Do We Need Paradox?

God is a paradox.  God is within and also other.  Mystery yet revealed in Jesus.  Creator but also the Existence in which we all live.  All a paradox.  I do not understand it.  I am okay that I do not understand it.  It teaches me to loosen my mind.  I need to open my mind.  I must learn to see with new eyes.

Image credit:  Patrick Cody

Centering prayer loosens my mind.  During centering prayer I open to the “larger Mind”.  Each time I open to the “larger Mind”, Mystery begins to reveal Itself to me.  Mystery seems to only reveal what It knows I am ready to see.  Patience is necessary for this journey.

Mystery says let things just be.  Mystery asks me to move forward in trust.  Mystery does not want me to fear.  Mystery insists that I do not judge.  Mystery is beautiful.  Mystery is an invitation to enter.  Mystery is meant to be enjoyed.

Mystery will show me a new world.  Paradox is an invitation into Mystery.  It is an invitation to trust Mystery.  Let it teach me.  Mystery will teach me how to live.  Mystery will show me how to love.  Paradox opens me to Life.  Certitude closes my mind.  Paradox is infinite.  Certitude is finite.

I encourage you to find a contemplative practice that opens you to Paradox.  I have chosen centering prayer.  This is the path that opens me to Paradox and allows me to enter Mystery.

You might choose a walk in nature, music, photography or meditation.  All of these open you to Life, the great Mystery.  Enter with an open mind.  Move forward in trust.  Don’t judge.  And most of all, enjoy the journey.

Go Further:

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault

Healing the Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots by Amos Smith

The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See by Richard Rohr

The Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice by Christine Valters Paintner


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