Rich Lewis Interview: Contemplative Light Podcast

Enjoy my interview with Clint Sabom on The Contemplative Light Podcast.

We talk about centering prayer, some thoughts on my recent book reviews, and the contemplative Christian community across the web.

Contemplative Light is a community of interfaith spiritual teachers rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition providing resources for the healing of persons. This includes resources for:

Contemplative Practitioners: courses, study guides, training materials, articles, podcasts, and lessons on silent prayer and meditation for beginning and experienced contemplatives.

Contemplative Community: to connect, grow, learn from, and support each other on this journey.

Resources for Healing Professionals: clergy, chaplains, lay leaders, spiritual directors, and mental health professionals open to the spiritual aspect of the healing process.

Learn more about Clint and Marc at The Contemplative Light.



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Contemplative Light offers courses on contemplative practices (Christian Meditation, Centering Prayer, The Examen, Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer), the Christian mystics (ancient and current) and spiritual writing. Peruse their wonderful offerings.

Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go Practices for a Deeper Commitment to the Contemplative Life by Contemplative Outreach, Mary Dwyer: This retreat encourages a life of prayer and practice, both “on the chair” and in daily life. It will support you in making a deeper commitment to your relationship with God, and strengthen your ability to live the contemplative life through dedication to prayer and practice, all within the normal routines of everyday life.

Contemplative Discernment by Fr. Carl Arico, Pamela Begeman, Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler: A contemplative practice of discernment is not about decision-making, although this may be an eventual outcome. Rather, contemplative discernment is receptive in nature, a process of opening to receive clues about who we are in God. We focus on ever-deepening levels of relationship and trust in God’s will for us. We learn how to listen deeply to our motivations and sort through and purify any mixed motivations. As this relationship deepens, we learn to allow the love of God to motivate our actions and manifest through us. We discover what it means to truly pray “not my will, but Thy will.”

Embracing Living: The Welcoming Prayer by Contemplative Outreach, Mary Dwyer, Therese Saulnier, Cherry Haisten, Jim McElroy: The Welcoming Prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. If Centering Prayer (or another daily prayer) is practiced for one hour of the day, the Welcoming Prayer is for the other 23 hours. It is a “letting go” in the present moment, in the midst of the activity of ordinary life.

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