Is God Here?

The Psalmist sings, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there”

Psalm 139:7-8

“I want to have more of an awareness of God’s presence in my daily life.”

I hear this often from people.

What does this mean?

What does it look like?

Thomas Keating tells us, “God is existence. In everything that exists, God is present. The greatest reality is God’s presence. The problem is that we only access that presence to the degree that our inner life is attuned to it.”

God is with me in my problems.

God is with me as I create solutions to my problems.

God is a good cup of French pressed coffee. (For me the only way to drink coffee.)

God is the sun rising for another beautiful day.

God is my 10 year old son who says, “Will you sit with me?

God is my drive home from work on Friday as I look forward to a weekend with my wife and children.

God is when I sit at the table for dinner with my wife and kids.

God is with me as I watch my father peacefully breathe his last breath.

God says I am here so put down your cell phone and iPad.

God says stop your chatter and listen to the person in front of you who needs you to listen to her.

God says you will find me at the local soup kitchen in the eyes and faces of the people who come in beaten down by their life challenges.

God is in the night sky and its billions of stars.

I hope this helps.

What is the presence of God for you?

Please email me what is the presence of God for you.

I would love to hear from you.

If I get enough responses I will share them as a future meditation.


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4 thoughts on “Is God Here?”

  1. God is the blue couch, given by the OpShop and which I thought was vinyl but is actually leather: a comfortable place inside yet in the sun to sit and to be.

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