Top 5 Reasons You Fail At Centering Prayer

1. You never show up.

2. You don’t show up every day.

3. You quit too soon.

4. You expect immediate results and stop.

5. You don’t give it at least one month.

In 2016 I attended a weekend retreat led by Fr. William Meninger, one of the founders of Centering Prayer. I jotted down his many words of wisdom

Here is one simple but powerful quote:

“God is going to love you and that is it.”

This made me think about my centering prayer practice. God loves me. God is delighted when I sit with Him.

If I miss a sit, I don’t need to beat myself up. God’s love for me never stops. God looks forward to our next silent sit.

I hope you feel the same way too!

“God is going to love you and that is it!”

You cannot fail at Centering Prayer. You simply need to show up.

Centering Prayer is not a sprint. It is a long marathon with you and God.

Centering Prayer practiced on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis will transform you.

If you are faithful to your practice, your practice will be faithful to you.

As Thomas Keating says, “If you do it, it will do you!”

What are some of the ways Centering Prayer has transformed you?

I would love to hear from you. Feel free to email me.

Go Further:

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault

The Path of Centering Prayer by David Frenette

Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating

Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life by Amos Smith


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