10 Thoughts on Centering Prayer

1. Silent prayer teaches me when to be silent and when to take action.

2. Silent prayer teaches me how to live.

3. I am not complete without my silent prayer practice.

4. The God I meet in silent prayer continues to be a presence throughout the day.

5. Do not underestimate the power of a second sit. It refills your reservoir.

6. Contemplative prayer is a prayer of love without any ulterior motives. We pray because we love God.

7. Silence is difficult. Don’t become discouraged. Start small and take baby steps.

8. Don’t become discouraged. God is delighted that you want to sit with Him no matter how long your sit is. If you miss a scheduled sit, God infinitely loves you and looks forward to your next sit.

9. Centering prayer is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.

10. Centering prayer practiced on a daily basis will transform you. If you are faithful to your practice, your practice will be faithful to you.

Go Further:

My favorite Centering Prayer books.

Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life  by Amos Smith

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening  by Cynthia Bourgeault

Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition  by Thomas Keating

The Path of Centering Prayer  by David Frenette


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2 thoughts on “10 Thoughts on Centering Prayer”

  1. Maranatha…kyrie Elieson…om manni pad mi om…
    Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on me a sinner. Or Herbert Benson..relaxation response…all still of our conscious world. Great relaxation, great health benefits..
    But NOT God only a silent willingness to be with God during your sit. There still is not a definite fact that your are connected to God. Faith must be present as wel.I believe that this intention is wonderful but if action never follows we ruminate in our silent peace and eventually die, possibly without helping another. I started meditating in 1972. I have almost never consistently done it twice in every day. In 1975 I married a Lebanese women who was Maronite. This is a monastic Eastern Catholic tradition that holds contemplative prayer as a monastic practice but not alone. Participation in the Holy Eucharist is just as important.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Agree. Contemplative Prayer and action must work together. In faith we open to God in the silence. During our non silent times we take action. We need both.

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