Silence by Ana Lisa de Jong


I am excited to share a poem by Ana Lisa de Jong.

Ana Lisa de Jong is a poet and inspirational writer, mother and wife, and Chaplains Administrator for the New Zealand Defence Force.  Not always in that order.

Ana Lisa rediscovered the joy of writing in her 40’s, her first published piece appearing in ‘Refresh Journal of Contemplative Spirituality’.  Ana Lisa has published three inspirational poetry books in the span of four years, with Lang Book Publishing.  To keep up with her prolific writing, two further full books ‘Heart Psalms’ and ‘Thrice Blessed’ will follow late in 2018.  Ana Lisa is also a regular contributor to Godspace.  Ana Lisa lives and writes in the beautiful North West Region of Auckland, New Zealand.

You can learn more about her at Living Tree Poetry.


Have you heard all the sounds
silence holds?

Cessation of movement,
stillness of mind.

The ceasing of all efforts
reveals a door

hitherto closed,
and shielded from view.

In silence,
we open

as a musical note does
to the one who calls it out.

In silence,
we feel

the blossoming urge of a tight bud,
the burning need to bloom.

Ears tuned to a different register,
we note

a swift beat of wings,
a mounting chord.

And we realise, with new clarity
that silence holds a thousand sounds.

Echoes from elsewhere
but which we recognise as our own.

Notes that ring out shrill
as the flute,

or soft as a strummed harp
in gentle hands.

Tones in which we hear the birds,
and the sea,

and the sound of our own hearts
meeting our shore.

And the language we discern,
though one we cannot translate,

is understood the same
as any audible voice.

Yes, that we might hear the sounds
silence holds.

That we might still ourselves
to open the door.

Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
May 2018

Go Further:

All books by Ana Lisa de Jong

Her most recent book as of December 12, 2018: Heart Psalms: Songs of the Heart

Seeking the Light (Poetry for the Soul)

Seeking the Light: Poetry for the Soul: Volume 3



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Contemplative Light offers courses on contemplative practices (Christian Meditation, Centering Prayer, The Examen, Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer), the Christian mystics (ancient and current) and spiritual writing. Peruse their wonderful offerings.

Silence and the Spiritual Journey by Contemplative Outreach: The purpose of our historical lifetime is to provide us with space for the upward journey of evolution into vertical time and our assimilation of the eternal values that Christ brought into the world. This journey consists of everything from great touches of God (consolations) to the Dark Nights.

Lectio Divina Heart to Heart – Listening and Living with God by Contemplative Outreach: The ancient practice of praying the Scriptures is being rediscovered and renewed in our time. Known as Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), it is one of the great treasures of the Christian tradition of prayer.

Writing as a Spiritual Practice: This course helps you to access the rich spiritual stories that lie deeply within you. Words are powerful. The words that you write can be used to:

  • help you understand yourself better – and therefore divine God’s purpose in your life
  • facilitate healing of spiritual wounds
  • minister to others more effectively
  • share your testimonies of how God has worked in your life

Drawing from the wisdom of monastic life, modern psychology and best practices in personal productivity, the Monk Manual provides a daily system that will help you find clarity, purpose, wisdom, and peace in the moments that make up your life.

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