God just is—without any limitation. And the way to connect with this “Is-ness” is to just be, too.
This is what my Centering Prayer practice does.
It teaches me how to just be during my non Centering Prayer times.
It is sometimes nice to just be.
What does this mean?
It means I will enjoy, listen and be more present when I am with my significant other, my children, my grandchild, and friends.
I will be more present and focused when I perform my tasks at work.
I will actually notice and enjoy the blue sky, the bright sun or the birds in the air.
I can be more present when I wash the dishes or eat a meal.
I will be more present to life and enjoy and see things I previously never noticed.
Do you want to be more present?
Go Further:
Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life by Amos Smith
Intimacy with God: An Introduction to Centering Prayer by Thomas Keating
Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition by Thomas Keating
Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation by Phileena Heuertz
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Holy Silence: The Quaker Way by J. Brent Bill: Quaker silence is not about stillness, as such, but rather about encountering God in a living and vital holy hush. This e-course encourages women and men to undertake a journey of spiritual silence. The destination is a quiet inner place where God teaches us directly. Friends (as Quakers are formally known) have been honing their take on silence for more than 350 years. It’s a silence that invites us to an immediate and personal encounter with God. That’s because Quakers believe that when we are silent, then the Spirit of God grants us insights, guidance, and understanding of spiritual truth.
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Ignatian Spirituality for Everyday Life by Margaret Silf: This e-course invites you into a journey of exploration into this practical, real-world approach to Christian spirituality. Discover something of the real Ignatius. Let him guide you into the creative power of your own desires and offer you tools for making wiser choices. Try out some of the methods of prayer and reflection that he suggests, and engage with the power of scriptural meditation. Learn to notice what is moving in your heart, and discern which movements are coming from the deepest core of your being, where God is indwelling.
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