I Need Silence!


I have always been attracted to silence. 

I am a bit of an introvert. 

I don’t mind to be alone. 

I am not saying I don’t like people or being with them. 

I love when I spend time with my wife, kids, family and friends. I need them. They help make me who I am. 

However, I also enjoy the silence. 

I need the silence!

When I am alone I can:





-Watch college football ( I had to say this one.)

As much as I like the silence I always wondered. 

There had to be more to this silence. 

I had heard silence can transform you. 

I had read a few books by Carl McColman about silence.

However, one thing was still absent for me.

I did not know what to do in the silence. 

I then came across Healing the Divide by Amos Smith.

In his book Amos discussed his method for practicing silence: Centering Prayer. 

I now had found a container for the silence. 

I emailed Amos and we began a dialogue.

I asked Amos many questions.  

At the same time, I began to practice Centering Prayer. 

I have not looked back. 

Centering Prayer has transformed me!

Centering Prayer continues to transform me. 

I have a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. 

(You can still practice Centering Prayer even if you don’t believe in God or have doubts.)

I am more confident.

I have an excitement for life that I did not have before. 

I am not afraid to take action on inner nudges that move me out of my comfort zone. 

I am more calm. 

I make better decisions. 

I seem to come out of the silence with inner wisdom for daily tasks. 

I am still very much work in progress! 

That is why I will return to the silence of Centering Prayer on a daily basis. 

Go Further:

The first two books I read on Centering Prayer were: Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition  by Thomas Keating and by Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Cynthia Bourgeault.

Healing the Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots  by Amos Smith

Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life  by Amos Smith

Answering the Contemplative Call: First Steps on the Mystical Path  by Carl McColman

The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality  by Carl McColman



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Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks – This is a great way to listen to books with your cell phone while you drive, walk or relax at home.  I frequently listen in my car during my commute to and from work.  I’m a proud affiliate.

Contemplative Light offers courses on contemplative practices (Christian Meditation, Centering Prayer, The Examen, Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer), the Christian mystics (ancient and current) and spiritual writing. Peruse their wonderful offerings.

Holy Silence: The Quaker Way by J. Brent Bill:  Quaker silence is not about stillness, as such, but rather about encountering God in a living and vital holy hush. This e-course encourages women and men to undertake a journey of spiritual silence. The destination is a quiet inner place where God teaches us directly. Friends (as Quakers are formally known) have been honing their take on silence for more than 350 years. It’s a silence that invites us to an immediate and personal encounter with God. That’s because Quakers believe that when we are silent, then the Spirit of God grants us insights, guidance, and understanding of spiritual truth.

Drawing from the wisdom of monastic life, modern psychology and best practices in personal productivity, the Monk Manual provides a daily system that will help you find clarity, purpose, wisdom, and peace in the moments that make up your life.

2 thoughts on “I Need Silence!”

  1. One time As I was praying centering prayer I opened my eyes and looked around, I closed my eyes to use sacred word but I couldn’t pray centering prayer for I forgot my sacre word. And did not prayer for about 9 years and negativeshappened in my life and I reacted negatively. Then one watching ewtn negative report on centering prayer which I new was wrong about centering prayer.. I started praying centering prayer and remembered my sacred word, Then about a year later I stopped praying centering pray and started praying centering prayer after leaving an adoration chapel I received a thought to pray centering prayer and been praying centering prayer the pasr ten years daily.

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