A Place You Come From

“I want to draw more on God, not on my skills.”

That is what makes Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices so wonderful. 

When you sit in silence you bring all of You to your sit. 

– Body

– Mind 

– Heart 

– Soul

You LET GO of

All your preconceived notions 

All your emotions

All your thoughts

All your fears

All your worries 

You sit with the GREAT CREATOR.

And open to the presence and actions of God within. 

You are not alone! 

You sit with a God who loves YOU. 

That is it. 

During this time God prays in you the actions you are to take. 

Think of God as your life long partner.

I find this very comforting. 

You arise from your sit ready to partner with God. 

And you get to sit with God each day. 

Twice if you can. 

And continue to walk with God everyday. 

Everyday your actions spawn from these silent sits with God. 

They become a place you come from and live your life from.

Go Further:

Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition  by Thomas Keating and Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening were the first two books I read as I began my Centering Prayer practice.

An Ocean of Light: Contemplation, Transformation, and Liberation by Martin Laird

Into the Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird

Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life by Amos Smith

Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation by Phileena Heuertz


Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks – This is a great way to listen to books with your cell phone while you drive, walk or relax at home.  I frequently listen in my car during my commute to and from work.  I’m a proud affiliate.

Contemplative Light offers courses on contemplative practices (Christian Meditation, Centering Prayer, The Examen, Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer), the Christian mystics (ancient and current) and spiritual writing. Peruse their wonderful offerings.

Holy Silence: The Quaker Way by J. Brent Bill:  Quaker silence is not about stillness, as such, but rather about encountering God in a living and vital holy hush. This e-course encourages women and men to undertake a journey of spiritual silence. The destination is a quiet inner place where God teaches us directly. Friends (as Quakers are formally known) have been honing their take on silence for more than 350 years. It’s a silence that invites us to an immediate and personal encounter with God. That’s because Quakers believe that when we are silent, then the Spirit of God grants us insights, guidance, and understanding of spiritual truth.

Drawing from the wisdom of monastic life, modern psychology and best practices in personal productivity, the Monk Manual provides a daily system that will help you find clarity, purpose, wisdom, and peace in the moments that make up your life.

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