What is your biggest struggle with Centering Prayer?
Here are some of the struggles I hear from people I talk with:
-I lack the discipline to do it each day.
-I have no time to do it.
-Sitting still is difficult.
-I have too many racing thoughts.
-I do not know if God loves me.
-Too many painful thoughts come up.
-Is this really prayer?
-I want instant results so I quit.
-How do I know if anything is really happening?
-Am I supposed to have a mystical experience?
-What is the purpose?
-How can it help me?
-Why should I practice Centering Prayer?
Centering Prayer is wordless prayer.
Centering Prayer is a long term marathon with God.
Centering Prayer practiced daily will yield long term transformational fruits.
Centering Prayer helps you become the person God wishes to to be: your true self.
Centering Prayer is a great way to begin your day.
Sometimes we don’t feel like sitting. We are human. Forgive yourself.
Centering Prayer is a silent trust in God.
Centering Prayer is a silent sit with God who will never stop loving you.
Centering Prayer clears the cluttered mind.
Centering Prayer has been described as divine therapy: a deep inner healing.
Centering Prayer seems to release the tension that is stored in your body.
The purpose of Centering Prayer is to open to the presence and actions of God within.
Life is often a struggle.
Centering Prayer helps us to be present with the ups and downs of life.
Eventually Centering Prayer becomes a place you come from.
And you cannot imagine your life without it.
You cannot keep it to yourself.
You want to share it with others.
P.S. Need help with a Centering Prayer struggle? Contact me about my coaching. I can help you.
Go Further:
Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition by Thomas Keating and Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening were the first two books I read as I began my Centering Prayer practice.
Intimacy with God: An Introduction to Centering Prayer by Thomas Keating
A Taste of Silence: Centering Prayer and the Contemplative Journey by Carl J Arico
The Loving Search for God: Contemplative Prayer and the Cloud of Unknowing by William Meninger
Enjoy my newest videos: When is the right time to start? and Centering Prayer: Intimacy with God
Did you know I have a Facebook page where I post content everyday and go live 1-2 times each week. Feel free to check it out and friend me. I look forward to seeing you there.
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