Enjoy a short article by Beverly Nelson of standupforcaregivers.org.
Older adults are faced with many challenges in daily life. Limited mobility, health problems, cognitive decline, and social isolation are just a few of the problems that many seniors live with. As such, day-to-day tasks that were once simple are now difficult or impossible for these seniors to achieve.
So the question is: As church members, how can we help the seniors in our communities complete these daily tasks and live healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives? These resources are a good place to start:
How to Help at Home
The home is the best place to start when it comes to assisting seniors.
Healthy Cleaning Tips for Caregivers of the Elderly
15 Home Modifications to Make Aging-in-Place Safe
The Most Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them
How to Recognize Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living
5 Tips for Helping Seniors Move
How to Address Mental Health
Discussing mental health with seniors and helping them take action are practical ways to help them improve their lives.
How to Talk to a Senior Loved One About Mental Health
Medicare Coverage of Mental Health Services
How to Improve the Mental Health of Older Adults
How to Encourage Activity
Physical and social activity are paramount for the well-being of the seniors among us.
5 Secret Health Benefits of Gardening
The Importance of Socialization for Seniors
These are just a few ways that each of us can help the seniors. Be sure to do further research and think outside the box about how you can help to improve the lives of the seniors in your community.
*Also feel free to check out the resources at Sixty & Me.
Living Sacraments: The Christian Mystics & The Inner Journey To God
After taking this powerful course, you will know:
- The path of mystical transformation
- The four main mystical types
- The three eras of mystical flowering in the Christian West
- The lives, key teachings, challenges, and major works of TWENTY of the Christian mystics
Sacred Spaces: Contemplation and the Celtic Spirit
In this retreat we will be taking a deeper look at the sacred around us and within us and how we can create spaces for both. If you are seeking more of what is sacred in your life, then this is a great place to start.
This introductory retreat will give you the tools to ground your spiritual life in the wisdom of trees and rivers, to explore the universe which is within you, and to live with compassion and integrity in a world which is far too often dark and unhealthy.
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