Centering Prayer: Let it Go

Centering Prayer teaches us to let go.

The car in front of you drives 5-10 miles per hour under the speed limit.

Let it go.

You stand in line at the store and the person in front of you asks tons of questions.

Let it go.

You are on vacation. It rains.

Let it go.

You are at a meeting at work and one of the attendees talks excessively.

Let it go.

You fill in the ______________.

Let it go.


P.S. Need help letting go? Contact me. I can help you.


Go Further:

The Inside-Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever  by Michael Neill

The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within  by Christine Valters Paintner

Putting on the Mind of Christ: The Inner Work of Christian Spirituality by James Marion

Moving from Stress to Joy by Nicholas Amato


Sacred Spaces: Contemplation and the Celtic Spirit: As the name hints, we talk about contemplation from a Celtic perspective. In the Celtic tradition action and contemplation are fully entwined and so we talk about centering prayer but also ways to connect to the divine through nature and how to understand our place within creation and what makes humanity unique.

Living Sacraments: The Christian Mystics & The Inner Journey To God: How would your life change if you were steeped more deeply in the wisdom of the Christian Mystics?

The Jesus Prayer is often prayed with the use of prayer rope or prayer bracelet.

It ->
seems ->
as ->
if ->
we ->
are ->
always ->
on ->
the ->
go. ->

We eat on the go, work on the go, learn on the go, and sometimes even try to squeeze in our relaxation and leisure on the go. Today we are “going” so much that it can feel a bit unnatural to do anything else. Fast has become our normal life setting.

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