Centering Prayer is not escape from the world.
It prepares us to ENGAGE and take ACTION in the world.
During Centering Prayer we use our sacred word to let go and open to the presence and actions of God within.
Letting go does not mean we do not take action.
It does not mean we run and hide or stop dead in our tracks.
Letting go means we let go of thoughts and emotions that do not serve us.
We open to God and let God act in us.
Yes, God acts in us during Centering Prayer!
In today’s environment I am not immune from feeling fear, worry, anxiety, hopelessness.
I let go of ALL of these.
I need God to act in me!
I want to get up from sit and take action on the things God has prayed in me.
God has work for me to do and I won’t know what it is if I hang on to the fear, worry, anxiety and hopelessness.
So, let go.
Let God act in you.
(This work seems to be unique to each person.)
And get up from your sit and take action.
Much love to all of you.
P.S. Need help with your practice. Contact me. I can help.
Go Further:
The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred by Christine Valters Paintner
Flee, Be Silent, Pray: Ancient Prayers for Anxious Christians by Ed Cyzewski
The Heart of Centering Prayer: Nondual Christianity in Theory and Practice by Cynthia Bourgeault
Holy Silence by J. Brent Bill
Enjoy my newest video: Centering Prayer and The New Normal.
Did you know I have a Facebook page where I post content and go live. Feel free to check it out and friend me. I look forward to seeing you there.
Sacred Spaces: Contemplation and the Celtic Spirit: As the name hints, we talk about contemplation from a Celtic perspective. In the Celtic tradition action and contemplation are fully entwined and so we talk about centering prayer but also ways to connect to the divine through nature and how to understand our place within creation and what makes humanity unique.
Contemplative Light offers courses on contemplative practices (Christian Meditation, Centering Prayer, The Examen, Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer), the Christian mystics (ancient and current) and spiritual writing. Peruse their wonderful offerings.
For over 2000 years men and women have set out for the hills, fields and mountains to become Monks – searching for happiness, freedom, peace, joy, balance, fulfillment, confidence, stability, passion and God. Drawing from the wisdom of monastic life, modern psychology and best practices in personal productivity, the Monk Manual provides a daily system that will help you find clarity, purpose, wisdom, and peace in the moments that make up your life.
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