The New Normal.
I am currently working from home rather than going into the office.
I just finished my first two weeks or 10 business days.
Some of you were previously working from home.
Others are retired.
We are all being forced to adjust and adapt to The New Normal.
Here are some things I am doing to mix it up.
- Take two walks around the neighborhood each day.
- I try to shower in the morning like I will do on a day I go into the office.
- Wash the dishes.
- Take a spontaneous 7 minute Centering Prayer sit.
- Unplug from social media and the news.
- Enjoy my favorite show.
- Read.
- Watch a movie with my kids.
- Joke around with friends and relatives via text.
- Listen to audiobooks and online courses
- Play with the dogs
- Coffee and Netflix with my wife
Let’s get through this together!
Be safe!
Keep Healthy!
Spend time with your loved ones and friends even if it is via text or social media.
Much love to all of you!
What are you doing to adjust to the New Normal?
Contact me here and let me know.
Go Further:
Into the Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird
Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition by Thomas Keating and Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening were the first two books I read as I began my Centering Prayer practice.
Moving from Stress to Joy by Nicholas Amato
Catching Your Breath: The Sacred Journey from Chaos to Calm by Steve Austin
Writing as a Spiritual Practice: This course helps you to access the rich spiritual stories that lie deeply within you. Words are powerful. The words that you write can be used to:
- help you understand yourself better – and therefore divine God’s purpose in your life
- facilitate healing of spiritual wounds
- minister to others more effectively
- share your testimonies of how God has worked in your life
How to Write a Devotional: Plus How to Get Them Published – If you read devotionals, you already know how they can be a true blessing. A devotional can uplift you when you’re feeling discouraged, sad or lonely. It can allow you to feel a keen sense of fellowship with another Christian, even if the two of you never actually meet. And, if you are feeling called to write devotionals, know that you have a unique opportunity to bless others and make a genuine difference in their lives. This course takes you step by step through the process, and then guides you towards publishing, if that is your goal.
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