What Happens During Centering Prayer?

What happens during Centering Prayer?

We open to the presence and actions of God within.

We remove the barriers to God.

That is why we use our sacred word to let go.

We connect with God who is beyond our thoughts and emotions

We just be with Being.

During our silent sit God performs Divine Therapy.

God heals us and removes our barriers to the presence of God within.

An unloading process occurs.

We have many repressed thoughts.

Centering Prayer pries them loose.

The space the repressed thought occupied is now filled with Divine Love.

We let Grace flow.

We connect to our true self: the image of God within.

Just show up.

Trust the process.

Trust God.

God loves you powerfully.

I like what Thomas Keating says:

“Divine love, however, is a fire so intense that no one can be fully exposed to it in this life without turning into a grease spot.”

Much love to you all.

Let me know if I can help.


Go Further with Martin Laird:


Enjoy my new video: What am I up to? I share what I have going on at the present time.


Catching Fire: Being Transformed, Becoming Transforming by Joan Chittister

Topic highlights:

  • How our purpose unfolds—both intentionally and organically
  • Prayer as a means to see the world as God sees it
  • How courage arises out of a contemplative life
  • How our challenges strengthen, soften, and deepen us
  • Prophetic spirituality—contending with injustice and standing for equality and compassion
  • On aging well with self-confidence and grace
  • The wisdom of Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, and other women mystics
  • Experiencing every moment as a holy moment, and more

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