The Power of a Second Sit

Many of us are working from home now.

This applies whether you work from home, do not work or are retired.

Some of us start our day with a morning Centering Prayer sit.

Do not underestimate the power of a second sit.

No matter how busy you become, I encourage you to stop what you are doing.

It will be there for you when you come back to it:)

Take a second sit before lunch, in the afternoon or in the evening.

It will reconnect you with God.

This sit will reset, refill and refresh you.

I have found it reenergizes me and fills me with wisdom for the tasks I still need to do.

I always look back and I am amazed at how productive I was the remainder of the day because of my second sit.

Centering Prayer has a way of giving you back time.

Take your second sit.

Don’t let your interior reserves run dry.


Go Further with Phileena and Chris Heuertz:

Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation

Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life


Enjoy my recent interview with Melissa Thompson, author of The Me Disease: A Spiritual Journey from me to We.

Enjoy my newest video: The Many Hats of an Author: Writer, Editor, Business and Marketing

I have availability for 1-2 more One on One Coaching Clients. Contact me for more information.


ENCOUNTERING THE WISDOM JESUS: Quickening the Kingdom of Heaven Within:

The early Christians, teaches the Reverend Cynthia Bourgeault, were afire with the spirit of Jesus, inspired fully by his teaching of a total transformation of consciousness. How do we reclaim that fire today?

On Encountering the Wisdom Jesus, this brilliant author and dynamic Episcopalian priest presents her first full-length audio course about rediscovering the Master of Wisdom. Twelve immersive sessions cover: the parables as wisdom tools; Jesus’s teachings about kenosis (or self-emptying: a path as radical today as it was 2,000 years ago); Jesus as tantric master; Centering Prayer, an approach to meditation as Jesus lived it, and much more.

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