Centering Prayer is all about CONSENT.
We consent to the presence and actions of God within.
We open to God and say, “Here I am. Do with me what you wish. I trust you.”
Why is this so important?
Centering Prayer drives our non Centering Prayer actions.
We let God act through us.
God shows us the way forward.
God shows us what actions to take.
God helps us discern when we should take action.
God even reveals when no action is the best action.
We are sometimes not the right person for the action or things have changed and no action is needed.
When we consent to God in Centering Prayer we consent to life and all it offers us.
We discover when to just be and soak in the splendor and beauty of life.
Other times we are prompted and nudged. It is now time to move and take action.
Go Further:
A Taste of Silence: Centering Prayer and the Contemplative Journey by Carl J. Arico
A powerful 5 Week Live Virtual Retreat, world-renowned mindfulness teacher Chris Luard will conduct 90 minute sessions to guide you into deeper peace, serenity, and joyful awareness beginning Friday, July 24th at 8p.m. EST and continuing for the next four Fridays. In case you miss a session, each one will be recorded and posted the next day to the teachable site for revisit and reference!
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