David Frenette stated, “As centering prayer deepens, letting go yields to letting be—being in God’s being.”
When I enter the spaces between my thoughts, I experience God’s Being.
I do not know I have entered Divine Union until my session is over.
Sometimes when the closing centering-prayer bell rings, I do not know where I have been.
Then I realize I am “being in God’s being.”
I have lost track of time. I have lost my sense of me as I entered oneness with God.
If this is what death is like, I have nothing to fear.
Divine union is a rest in pure love.
No words need to be said because it is a place that transcends words.
No thoughts or emotions need to be felt. Our being is in God’s Being.
We rest in pure love.
When we enter into the depths of centering prayer, we take a mini-vacation from ourselves, our anxieties, our hang-ups.
We experience something inexpressible and holy.
Just as we come back from a vacation renewed and invigorated, likewise we emerge from centering prayer with a beginner’s mind that is revived and ready for whatever may come next.
Read more in Sitting with God.
I invite you to a Contemplative Prayer Workshop on Feb 20 from 10 – 11:30 AM EST. Keith Kristich has asked me to speak on What it means to consent to God within. Learn more here.
I was honored to write the Foreword for Happiness and Joy: Can a Spiritual Life Have Both? by Nicholas Amato.