My life has changed as a result of centering prayer.
My approach to God has changed.
My relationship with God in Christ has evolved.
I have added depth to my prayer life.
Before I began a centering-prayer practice, my prayer life was one dimensional.
It was self-centered, selfish.
I defined prayer as being when I talk to God, so I brought to God my wishes and desires for the current day and the longer-term future.
I brought my wishes and desires for family and friends.
Sometimes I yelled at God.
I now think of prayer in four dimensions:
Prayer is when I speak to God.
Prayer is when I listen to God.
Prayer is when I am in community with others.
And prayer is when I rest in God.
Read more in Sitting with God.
Do you have dreams and goals but are afraid to show up and take action on them? Have years passed and you continue to feel disappointed because you still have not taken any action? Obtain the freedom to become your true self, the person you are created to me? Let me help. Contact me regarding my one on one coaching.
Join me for my next Sitting with God book study on Saturday, May 22 from 1-2 pm ET. We will discuss chapter 5. Contact me and I will send you the zoom link. Look forward to seeing you there!
I highly recommend this self-paced centering prayer course. It helped me deepen my centering prayer practice as I listened to three centering prayer veterans. I encourage you to check it out and see if it is right for you.
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