I am a human being.
I am also a divine being.
I am not God but I know God is within me (Luke 17:21).
My body is the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16).
I am a divine being that allows God to express Himself through me.
God is within me; God is within all of us.
We are made in God’s image within all of us.
We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27).
Some of us know this.
Some of us do not.
Some ignore it.
Some deny it.
Jim Marion reminds us, “All we need to do to be saved is to consciously realize who we have been all along. We need to realize our divinity, own it, take up the responsibility of it, and live it.”
Read more in Sitting with God.
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Ultimately, the sole concern of Jesus as depicted in the Gospel of Mark is with awakening people to eternal life, to discovering divine being within themselves.”
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