No One Speaks, No One Listens

My “sacred word” is an interior image of Jesus that is based on an ancient icon.

As my thoughts wander or my emotions reflect the past day or upcoming events, I ever so gently return to this interior icon to bring me back to my purpose for centering.

I consent to the presence and action of God within.

I expect Jesus to show up.

The first three stages of prayer are: 1.​We speak, God listens 2.​God speaks, we listen 3.​No one speaks, both listen.

I allow myself to enter the fourth stage of prayer that Irwin J. Boudreaux describes—no one speaks, no one listens.

I rest in God.

I let God act in me.

What will God do?

I do not know.

I do not need to worry about it.

My job is to rest and to trust.

God’s actions within will be later revealed in my various actions during the day.

Read more in Sitting with God.


Discover your true self. Take action. Impact the world. Contact me for more information on my one-on-one offerings.

Centering prayer has been vital to discovering my true self. Here is a terrific centering prayer course that you can take at your own pace.

Journaling is a powerful practice to help you reflect upon who is your true self and the actions you will want to take. The Monk Manual is a great tool for this practice.

I enjoy the work over at the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Here is a course you may want to check out to help you discipline yourself to live from your true self.

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