God and I Partner Throughout the Day

Since I began my centering prayer practice I have noticed a few new things about myself.

I am much calmer.

Yes, I still become anxious, nervous, frustrated, and upset, just like everyone else.

Yet I notice that I am able to calm myself much more quickly and resume whatever tasks are in front of me.

I no longer panic when I have an enormous list of tasks that need to get done in a short period of time.

I know the calmness and fluidity of this process is because of centering prayer!

God and I partner throughout the day.

Read more in Sitting with God.


Discover your true self. Take action. Impact the world. Contact me for more information on my one-on-one offerings.

Centering prayer has been vital to discovering my true self. Here is a terrific centering prayer course that you can take at your own pace.

Journaling is a powerful practice to help you reflect upon who is your true self and the actions you will want to take. The Monk Manual is a great tool for this practice.

I enjoy the work over at the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Here is a course you may want to check out to help you discipline yourself to live from your true self.





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