Do You Have The Courage To Speak And Act?

Who I am and how I think is often hidden from others until I have the courage to speak and act.

I am not me when I do what others want me to do.

I am not me when I do what I think I should do.

I am only me when I act in accordance with what my inner divinity nudges me to do.

My inner divine nudges are the actions of God within.

How do I discern that these nudges are from God?

When these nudges are accompanied by feelings of inner peace, freedom, spaciousness, excitement, joy, gratitude, and clarity . . . then I know that their origin is God.

These feelings are indicators of God’s presence and action within.

If these actions will benefit others, I know they are God’s will.

If I am nervous to try something new, it does not mean I should not do it.

It means I have forgotten that God is within me.

Read more in Sitting with God.


Enjoy my newest video: Why did I write Sitting with God: A Journey to Your True Self Through Centering Prayer?

Do you have a Centering Prayer group, Faith Formation Group, book study or other group? Invite me to guest speak via zoom. Learn more here. See what others have to say.

How do I begin a centering prayer practice? How do I go deeper in my existing practice? Who is my true self and how do I live from this person? I am in ministry, and I spend my time taking care of others and need help with my self-care. Does any of this sound like you? Reach out to me regarding my one-on-one offerings.

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Marianne Williamson

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