What Does It Mean To Be Still And Know I Am God?

Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)

I have spoken this verse to myself for years.

Its meaning continues to evolve for me.

When I first began to recite this verse, I did not know what to make of it.

I thought to myself, “Of course You are God.

So what!

What does this mean?

What are You trying to tell me?”

Then it became, “Just sit and rest in God’s presence.”

It stayed this way for a few years.

I just didn’t know what to do with it.

I knew there was more . . . so I waited.

After a few years, this verse changed to mean, “Know that I am a Divine being.”

God is within me.

Divine Mystery is not just out there but is within me.

Most recently, this verse has evolved to mean just know.

Know what?

“Know that God is always with me.”

God nudges me to move and take action.

God wants me to move past fear, take risks, do new things.

She wants me to stretch my comfort zone.

He wants me to move past the safe distance and trepidation, and to reach out a hand to help.

God wants me to take the risk and show up and be who I am.

“Know” means God will walk side by side with me as I try something for the first time.

God is within me, partnering with me to push all limits wherever they might be within my personal life, family life, faith journey, and career.

I look forward to how this simple verse will continue to evolve.

I will continue to speak it to myself.

I will continue to listen and then go where God takes me.

Read more in Sitting with God.


If you want to explore what does it mean to be still and know I am God, reach out to me regarding my one-on-one offerings.

Enjoy my newest video: What are the fruits of Centering Prayer?



James Finley, Richard Rohr

Three leading voices in the contemplative Christian tradition explore the mystic’s path.

Experience a very special weekend conference with teachings that guide us through the long mystical tradition from early Christianity to our own time. This view into our mystical heritage opens our hearts to the Divine Mystery in which we live and are surrounded. The mystical union to which we are all invited strengthens us to live our lives with compassion and gratitude.



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