Centering Prayer Is A Life Changer

During centering prayer, I empty myself of my false self.

My false self can be many different things, depending on the day.

I might be lonely or worried, angry or frustrated.

I might be tired or insecure.

None of these are who I am.

When I let go of them, I am at peace.

I discover that I can now get on with my day and the tasks ahead.

The distractions and preoccupations end and my real work begins.

I have a proclivity for centering prayer and understand how it can help me and others.

I do not want to keep centering prayer for myself.

I want to share it.

I want centering prayer to change others’ lives as it has changed mine.

I want to plant centering-prayer seeds so others can see how the gift of silence can be a life changer.

Read more in Sitting with God.


Do you have dreams and goals but are afraid to show up and take action on them? Have years passed and you continue to look back and are disappointed? Do you want to obtain the freedom to become your true self, the person you are created to be? Let me help! Contact me  to learn more about working with me in a one on one coaching relationship.

Enjoy my newest video: When should you practice Centering Prayer?

New Monasticism: A Modern Expression of An Ancient Way: This course looks at New Monasticism in light of traditional monasticism. We use the wisdom of the Desert Mothers and Fathers alongside the wisdom of the Celtic monks as a way to explore what a monastic vocation might look like for people today who live in the world with jobs and families.

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