I have added a new daily routine.
It begins after each silent sit.
I begin each day with a Centering Prayer sit.
This is a must!
I need this sit!
I sit because I love God.
That is it!
This sit connects me to God.
It refreshes me.
It prepares me for the day.
I partner with God to begin my day.
I sit with God and then walk with God throughout the day.
God is continuous, loving, powerful and compassionate presence.
Here is where my new daily routine comes into play.
After each sit, I turn on my laptop.
I open the word document titled My Journal.
I type today’s date and begin to pound on the keyboard.
I do not worry about what I will type.
I just allow the words to flow out of me and onto the screen.
Sometimes I vent, complain and lament.
Other times I dream and type the goals I want to accomplish, things I want to do in 1, 5 and 10 years.
I type what I will accomplish today.
I tell myself I can handle today’s challenge at work and or home.
I say I will have a great day, today will be massively productive.
I motivate myself!
This is my special time to move my fears, thoughts, emotions, dreams, goals to the screen.
It helps me to move forward and get on with my day!
I like to look back at these daily journals.
I look for patterns, new ideas, directions to move in.
This journal time is usually not more than 5-10 minutes.
It is a short paragraph or two but it has become a powerful tool that I will continue to use.
I encourage you to try it too.
You might find the Monk Manual helpful as part of this process.
If you have not tried my book, Sitting with God, learn more here.
Effortless Contemplation to Deepen Your Experience of God: Essential principles and guided practices of Centering Prayer, taught by David Frenette.
“You need a simple practice to help you, a way of opening to the gift of God. A good contemplative practice makes you more present to the divine presence in you and aligns your actions with the divine action in you.”
I have listened to this wonderful program multiple times. David shares various ways to deepen your practice and deepen your experience of God.
If you are interested in exploring the benefits of journaling, reach out to me regarding my one on one offerings.
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