Release the Potential Within You!

The divine presence is right here, inside each of us, both as we are and as we have the potential to become.

-Carl McColman

I love this quote from Carl McColman’s book, Eternal Heart.

We open to the presence and actions of the divine presence within us when we practice centering prayer.

Our human actions emanate from the Spirit within.

How do we allow the potential within us to come out and play?

We surrender and trust.

And then we go!

One step at a time.

One day at a time.

But go we must!

Life is filled with movement out of our comfort zone and into the potential of what we can become.


If you are interested in exploring the unrealized potential within you, reach out to me regarding my one on one offerings. 

Invite me to speak to your group. I will cater the talk to meet the needs of your group or choose from these three: Centering Prayer workshop, What does it mean to consent to God within, Discover your true self through Centering Prayer. Contact me here to setup.

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