I receive the Daily Meditations from Bishop Robert Barron.
The meditation on December 25th ended with:
“Reflect: Faith in Jesus Christ gives us the “power to become children of God,” and also to participate in the power of Jesus. How are you using this power? How will you use it more effectively in the future?”
Great question to ask ourselves on a daily basis!
How do I use the power of Jesus?
This is exactly why I sit in silence twice per day as part of my centering prayer practice.
I consider this my sit with Jesus.
I let the power of Jesus pray in me and act in me during my silent sit.
When I get up from my sit I radiate this power as I move through the day.
I remain connected to the power of Jesus with my daily sits.
They are non-negotiable.
I plug into the power of Jesus because I need it to guide and drive my life.
Jesus teaches me who I am and what actions I need to take each day.
My job is to trust Him and move!
How do you plug into the power of Jesus and let it radiate in your life?
Enjoy my new video: The Power of Journaling!
Invite me to speak for 60-90 minutes to your church group. Choose from the following talks: Centering Prayer Workshop, What does it mean to consent to God within?, or Discover your true self through Centering Prayer. Contact me to setup.
If you are interested in exploring how to sit with Jesus, reach out to me regarding my one on one offerings.
“His whole mission can fundamentally be seen as trying to push, tease, shock, and wheedle people beyond the “limited analytic intellect” of their egoic operating system into the “vast realm of mind” where they will discover the resources they need to live in fearlessness, coherence, and compassion—or in other words, as true human beings.”
ENCOUNTERING THE WISDOM JESUS: Quickening the Kingdom of Heaven Within
Cynthia Bourgeault
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