You Are A Creator!

You are unstoppable.

What stops you?

Your thoughts.

You must let them go.

The silence of Centering Prayer helps you to let go.

You let go so you can begin again.

You let go of who you are not.

You become who you are.

You cannot become who you are until you let go of who you are not.

You are not anxiety and worry.

You are not fear and lack of confidence.

You are not procrastination and paralysis analysis.

You are a creator who is always connected to the Great Creator.


If you have finished reading my book, Sitting with God, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. Thanks so much!

The Monk Manual integrates the productivity benefits of a planner and the reflective benefits of a journal to help individuals build full and intentional lives.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” 


A Bold Online Course to Overcome Fear, Access Your Innate Strength & Let Love Work Through You

Marianne Williamson

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