Let things pass through you.
Be open to reality.
Do not resist.
Do not cling.
That is key.
Just be present and be open to life.
I do not like challenges.
I can handle today’s challenges.
I do not like change.
I look forward to new experiences.
You do not need to change your outside world to make your inside world happy.
You can choose to be calm, to be grateful and to enjoy life right now.
Centering Prayer has been vital to this process for me.
If you have read my book, Sitting with God, let me know what resonated with you.
I frequently update my Resource page. Check it out.
“If you do not let this energy build up inside you, but instead allow each moment of each day to pass through you, then you can be as fresh every moment as you would be on a stress-free vacation.”
LIVING FROM A PLACE OF SURRENDER: The Untethered Soul in Action
Michael A. Singer
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