We are not our thoughts.
We are our thoughts.
We can observe them.
Keep the ones that help you and will serve others.
Let go of the ones that harm you and others.
If you believe you can do and accomplish something, you will.
If you do not believe you cannot do and accomplish something, you won’t.
Centering Prayer (God) helps us let of who we are not and become who we are.
We become our future self.
We move out of our comfort zone.
We try and do new things.
We explore.
We take a chance.
We take daily action on dreams and goals.
It is exciting!
Enjoy my newest video: What are the fruits of centering prayer?
I help people discover their future self and then take massive action to live from this person. Centering Prayer, Journaling, Affirmations and Gratitude are all vital to this process. We deepen our relationship with God during centering prayer. We let go of we are not and become who we are, the person God wants us to be. Reach out to me regarding my one on one offerings.
“If you’re willing to be objective and watch all your thoughts, you will see that the vast majority of them have no relevance.”
LIVING FROM A PLACE OF SURRENDER: The Untethered Soul in Action
Michael A. Singer
Over the past few decades, we’ve coached hundreds of people who struggle with achieving their goals and deliberately creating the life they want. So we created this program to handle those struggles.
We’re confident it can help if you’ve ever thought or said anything like:
“I set goals every year, but seldom achieve them.”
“I want to go after my dreams, but don’t know where to start.”
“I need more money to get the things I want, but I have no idea how to get it.”
“I want to be happier, healthier and enjoy peace of mind.”
“I struggle with really believing I can accomplish my goals and dreams.”
“I’ve spent my life helping to build other people’s dreams, but not my own.”
Magic In Your Mind shows you how ANYONE can experience miraculous moments and create lasting success by developing their higher faculties.
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