What is essential today?
I like to ask myself this question.
I then jot down the 3-4 things that are my response to this question.
Some days it is one or two things.
This keeps me focused on what is most important today.
The letting go I do during Centering Prayer helps me with this process.
I let go of what is not essential today so I can focus on what is.
I remove the clutter and what remains are the most important things God wishes me to do today.
What are your essential items for today?
This post was inspired by a book I read, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown.
The Monk Manual integrates the productivity benefits of a planner and the reflective benefits of a journal to help individuals build full and intentional lives. This a great way to make certain you focus on the essential items for today!
Enjoy my newest video: Do you take daily action on your dreams and goals?
If you are interested in exploring what is essential in your life today, reach out to me regarding my one-on-one offerings.
What is Rich reading? I am currently reading Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr.
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