In Search of a New Eden Courses


In Search of a New Eden offers three online courses you can take at your own pace. I encourage you to check them out to see if they are a fit for you.


Sacred Spaces

As the name hints, we talk about contemplation from a Celtic perspective. In the Celtic tradition action and contemplation are fully entwined and so we talk about centering prayer but also ways to connect to the divine through nature and how to understand our place within creation and what makes humanity unique.


New Monasticism

This course looks at New Monasticism in light of traditional monasticism. We use the wisdom of the Desert Mothers and Fathers alongside the wisdom of the Celtic monks as a way to explore what a monastic vocation might look like for people today who live in the world with jobs and families. 


The Path to God Leads to Nothing

Apophatic theology is a stream of Christian mysticism rooted in the radical unknowability of God. It is the basis for the Cloud of Unknowing and the tradition of silent prayer which comes from it. In this retreat we look at the history of this kind of prayer in the teachings of Pseudo-Dionysius, John Scotus Eriugena, Meister Eckhart, and the anonymous author of the Cloud of Unknowing. 

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