Just Show Up!

Nothing is happening.

Nothing is supposed to be happening.

I keep having tons of thoughts.

Thoughts are part of the process.

I do not think I am doing this right.

If you show up, you are doing it right.

I fell asleep.

You probably needed the rest.

Repressed thoughts I did not know I had keep coming up.

Good. You are being healed. Let them be released.

Centering Prayer is a long-term marathon with God.

If you keep showing up God will heal and transform you.

We sit with God and then we get up and walk with God.


If you are interested in exploring centering prayer and how it will heal and transform you, reach out to me regarding my one-on-one offerings. 

Enjoy my newest video: Into the Silent Land by Martin Laird.


Seeing God in All Things

James Finley, Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault

Three leading voices in the contemplative Christian tradition explore the mystic’s path.

Experience a very special weekend conference with teachings that guide us through the long mystical tradition from early Christianity to our own time. This view into our mystical heritage opens our hearts to the Divine Mystery in which we live and are surrounded. The mystical union to which we are all invited strengthens us to live our lives with compassion and gratitude.

What do you really want? Don’t think about what somebody else wants for you. Don’t think about what you think is possible for you. Dig into your heart. If anything were possible, what do you want? How do you want to live your life? What do you want to accomplish?


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